Academic Programming
Achievement Scores
Over recent years Van Hise Elementary Third Grade Reading Test scores have been between 97-100%.
Our computer lab was financed by our PTO. The computers are used to support and extend learning across the curriculum.
Advanced Learning Program
The goal of the Advanced Learning programming is to make certain K-12 students consistently have learning opportunities that are challenging, systematic and continuous based on learning profile, readiness and student interest.
Student learning experiences include a broad range of opportunities that pushes a student to their next level of challenge and allows them to develop their talents. Advanced Learning programming may occur in the classroom, or on rare occasions in other settings and is determined by ongoing evaluation and assessment of individual student needs. Advanced Learning consultation is available to school staff and families.
Special Classes
Teacher specialists in art, LMC, music, and physical education provide regular instruction. Reinforcing and Enriching Achievement for all children (REACH) extends and supports classroom curriculum by teaching computer instruction.
Other Programs
We offer full-day kindergarten, special education services and English as a Second Language (ESL) programming. Support services are provided by the school nurse, psychologist, occupational/physical therapist, social worker, and speech and language clinician.